“Our voices matter, as do our first-hand experiences. I am impressed with the thoughtful way the Wisconsin Startup Coalition has formed strong bonds with diverse stakeholders and is widely viewed as a collaborative and creative partner in effecting positive change.
- Lydia Zeller,
Wisconsin Startup Coalition Board Chair
Reduce Regulatory Burdens
WSC works with legislators to seek policy initatives that work to reduce red tape for a better enviornment for Wisconsin Startups. This year, WSC is advocating to change which businesses qualify for the Qualified New Business Venture Program in the Wisconsin State Statutes. The legislation aims to be more inclusive for today's startups and future applicants.
Encourage Early Stage Investment & Customers
WSC works with the legislature and government organizations like the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) to encourage state dollars in early stage investments go further with tax incentives and investments in programs that support venture capital.
Strengthen the Wisconsin Startup EcoSystem
WSC advocates on member's behalf to educate and provide policy recommendations to Wisconsin's policy makers that support startup founders and encourage early stage investments in this state. WSC hopes Wisconsin will be ranked among the top states for startups and innovation.
How does WSC advocate?
From: Executive Director, Peter Welch